You can review them below, and don't hesitate to probe, prompt, or push me me on them!

Sorry they're so tough to read. I couldn't figure out how to include them as an attachment and not lose all the formatting!
January's "new and different" took me down to Washington, DC where I spent the day at a "Hip Tranquil Chick" yoga retreat. Anyone who knows me knows that this was DEFINITELY knew and different for me...
More on the experience tomorrow
Maureen-I love how you have organized your 2008 goals. It gives me some ideas as I think about my goals for the year (I always think about them as a goal instead of a New Years Resolution). I'll be sure to share them with you when I get them done. For now, I just want to finish my syllabus on time. :-). Talk to you soon.
wonderful goals Maureen! you can do it!
J :)
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