Is it really almost Christmas (as in five hours away?).
Merry Merry Christmas. Hope it's a love-filled day and a heart-filled year.
Fa la la la love, Maureen
News Flash: For those of you who don't know, and I do apologize, I am pregnant with Number two. The bundle is slated to arrive mid-latish April, putting me at about 19 weeks, half way there. Okay, on with the post...
Dear Time:
Please slow down. I’m serious. My daughter was just born and now she’s two. And a half. It was just Halloween and now people are asking what I’m making for Thanksgiving. I started thinking about what to make for Thanksgiving and someone asked me if I’d started my Christmas shopping.
This has got to stop. I’m not sure how you’ll do it, but please, just slow down. Just for one day, I beg you.
Timed Out
Dear Daylight Savings Time:
I’m not sure how you’re related to Time (note separate letter, above) but I just wanted to let you know that you’ve really screwed things up for me and my family. It’s been a couple of weeks now and we still can’t seem to figure ourselves out. I’m irritable and waking at odd hours, my kid tells me she’s ready for a nap at noon (which is really 1pm, her old nap time) and I can’t very well send her to bed without lunch, so we struggle through the next hour until 1pm (which is really 2pm) at which point she’s so tired that it takes her another hour to fall asleep, which she does until nearly 5pm because she’s so tired. By 5pm when she wakes it’s nearly dinnertime. She tells me she just ate (which is basically true). By the time dinner is through and the table is cleared it feels like it should be 9pm, but she’s not tired because she just slept three hours and it’s really only 7pm. Even though its dark enough to be midnight.
I just can’t figure you out. When are we actually in “daylight savings time” anyway? When we spring ahead or when we fall back or just always?
I’m sorry to be so feisty, but I’m tired and I’m pregnant.
Too tired and cranky to come up with a clever sign-off
Dear CVS guy:
Listen, I haven’t been in your store in months, maybe even a year. And to be honest, when I do walk in there I start to have heart palpitations as it is. I’m not sure how you could fit one more Whitman’s Sampler Candy box, but you do.
At any rate, when you needed to pass me in the way-overcrowded-aisle (not with people, mind you, with stuff) all you needed to say was, “Excuse me,” and I would’ve happily moved aside.
But you didn’t.
You stood there and grunted and rolled your eyes when I didn’t even know you were there.
Maybe I’m a little more sensitive these days, being pregnant and all, but even if I weren’t pregnant I’d think you were pretty rude to someone who was just minding her own business and preparing to spend money on window candles that probably won’t work anyway.
So there, I feel better now.
Dear Jesus:
I think we must be doing something right because our little two-year-old darling told me that I should talk to You the other day.
Our toaster wasn’t working right and I said, “Well, that’s a little bit of a problem” because I’d promised her toast and jam with breakfast. She told me that I should talk to You because You listen to us when we have problems and that You are everywhere.
Dear Husband:
Remember when were dating and first married and agreed that we’d never be like our parents and watch TV in different rooms? Heck, that we wouldn’t even watch it on different couches?
Well, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but we’ve started watching TV on different couches and if you keep up this Battlestar Galactica fixation, we might just end up watching it in different rooms, too.
Is this what happens when you have kids?
Ps….I’m pretty sure I have a crush on Chuck, but he kind of reminds me of you, if that makes it okay.
Dear Private Caller:
I’m not sure who you are or what you want, but please stop calling. At least move your pestering to the after-nap hour. One of these days you’re going to wake my little one and then I’ll really be annoyed.
Publicly Pi**ed
Dear Peanut M&M’s in my cupboard:
I hear your taunts and I’m ignoring you. I am not going to open you, so please stop trying. Please.
Stuffed well enough with my own peanut, thank you
A Splurge of Mint:
Candy hasn't appealed much to me lately, but when I came across these mini's in the store, I couldn't resist.
Here's how we answered:
Living/TV Room: Relaxing and Reading
Kitchen/Great Room: Creating
Bedroom: Dressing and Sleeping
Bathroom: Showering and Grooming
a. eliminating them (trash, giveaway, charity)
b. moving them (e.g. books from bedroom to living room, arts & crafts from all over to kitchen/great room)
c. leaving them put
Revisit each room, and do one more "do we really need this" exercise. Mostly this goes for my books and magazines (I plan to do the article extraction thing--cut out keeper articles and notebook them). I already tackled the clothes (word of advice: it hurts but don't look back). I'm putting off the books. I really might need them someday. Right!?I'm going to do this. If I do, I've told myself, I get to splurge a bit at Christmastime and make this home a cozy winter wonderland.
No splurge to report. I'm making an apple cake for a meeting on Friday. If all goes well, I'll pass the recipe along.
Splurgin Sweet!
My mother in-law got me this cookbook. Little one and I have been trying to stick to an every-other-week or at minimum an every-month sampling of its recipes. The hard part is selecting which recipe to try (and staying out of the dough). We haven't been disappointed yet.
Smores Splurge
With the left-over marshmallows from the rice krispie event (am I spelling that right?) and the found-chocolate in the cupboard (how does chocolate exist in my house without me knowing it) and the stale graham crackers in the pantry, we made smores yesterday at lunchtime. We even ate them before lunch. We're living on the wild side in this household. My excuse (and I've been using it a lot lately) is that, "It's summer. What the heck."
And with the 55 degree night we had and the low-humidity, low-80 degree days we're having, you bet it is.
Splurgin' Sweet
Ava and I made Rice Krispie treats for my husband's work get-together. They had lots and lots of sprinkles ("there mommy, that's better" said Ava after emptying the entire jar into the crispy, marshmallowy, buttery mix).
We decided to go for a run while they cooled, because there's always room to fit in "one more thing." (I can hear my husband sighing).
That meant that we were running late, so after we got home everything was in rush-time. We cleaned up, cut them into squares, and arranged them on a Hello Kitty plate, which complemented the sprinkles nicely, I might add.
I quickly carried Ava, her shoes, her drinks, and who knows what else I grabbed along the way. Threw everything (except her) into the car, put the treats on top, and set Ava in her car seat. Watched her buckle herself in (because everything is, "I have to do it myself" these days). Shut the door, buckled in myself, thought for a second about where we were going, and left.
With the treats on top of the car.
When we got to the party, Ava said, "Mommy, forgot the treats!"
Oh yeah. The treats...
And then I remembered the last place I saw them. On top of the car.
When I went out to check, they were, of course, not there. No treats.
But when we drove home and turned onto our street, there they were, one with the pavement.
I spent the next 15 minutes scraping them up. Those darn sprinkles.
Why should you go? Because they're expecting me too and they've put a lot of time into arranging it. I'll probably end up having fun, anyway.She thought that being a good employee meant attending the summer office party. But through the questions, she realized that her model was more a mask that perpetuated some time sucking energy draining behaviors. She left our conversation questioning her values and wanting to spend more time with her family, with whom she felt at her best and who deserved her best.
What happens if you don't go? I'll feel guilty.
What would you rather do? Stay home and spend time with my husband and son.
How will you feel if you don't do what you'd rather do? I'll feel guilty, too. And resentful. But they'll understand more than work would.
If you had a party and someone couldn't come because they wanted to spend time with their family, how would you react? I'd totally understand. I'd probably even envy them a little bit.
What makes you think that work wouldn't feel the same way? I'm not sure, actually. Maybe they would.
Does considering that make you feel differently about going? A little bit. But I'm also afraid I might miss something.
And you're less concerned about missing something at home? I'm more confident at home, I trust home more than I trust work.
Splurge & Crafts
Ava and I spent about an hour in Michael's craft store this week. I'm not very crafty. Creative, but not crafty. But she loooovvvvveeeeesssss "arts and crafts" so we went for some resupply.
Is there anything better than a secret sale you don't know about until you're in the checkout? We picked up what I estimated to be about $25 worth of stickers, beads, glue, and paper lanterns--but ended up being (drum roll please)....$9.08!
We hit it right on Wednesday. Big sale on things already on sale. What a feeling. I don't need breathtaking sunsets or crashing waves (okay, yes I do) I just need an unexpected savings every once in a while.
[Curbing the Urge to] Splurge
I got an adorable little notebook for my birthday that I've been keeping track of writing ideas in. On Monday, I reserved a page in the back to keep track of credit card spending. I know there are all kinds of great software out there that can slice my data in five hundred different ways...but I just want to see what how much I'm putting on the credit card, where, and when. Kind of like I do with my diet when I'm training or overeating.
It's worked to curb mindless eating; let's see if it's successful in curbing mindless swiping.
Splurge, splurge, splurge
Ava and I are meeting my running partner who's turned great friend and her little one for some non-running nothing this afternoon.
Go Slow
I'm really trying to quiet my mind again. It's been a little cluttered with things that don't matter much and, as my profile points out, are related to my inability to be at complete peace with myself--there is always something I should be doing.
I've gotten away from my ten minute prayer and quiet time in the morning. It's a 2008 goal that I've neglected for about three months now, right about the time the clutter worked its way back in. This month, that's what I'm focused on. Ten minutes in the morning and getting to bed a little earlier at night.
Oh my gosh. You know how much I loved Juno. Well, guess what? The fella who wrote and sang the opening song to that movie (Barry Louis Polisar) is performing tonight at the park I run at nearly every day. For free. For kids. Ava and I are packing a dinner, throwing a blanket in the car, and heading over for some dancin and dreamin. You can read more about him here.
Today we're going to the pool and then we'll probably have a Popsicle.
On Friday night, the night before the Saturday we used the new playground, if you had asked Ava what she would be doing on Saturday morning, this is what you would've heard:
First, Ava wakes up. Then Ava, mommy, and daddy go to coffee shop (shebop) and have daddy's muffin. Then go potty.... and then (excitement is building that she absolutely cannot contain) go to new playground to go slidin and swingin'! (The finale is about ten spinning circles followed by one big not-quite-jumping-jack, but close).
Splurge Thursday
Oh, I don't know. Maybe an ice-cream cone tonight?